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Ways to Improve Spellings

Ways to improve spellings

The most effective and traditional way to improve spelling is to practice with dictation. Practicing dictation everyday for 5 minutes will help you a lot to improve your spellings. Along with that there are certain more ways to with spelling errors mentioned below: 
  1. Read a lot: Reading frequently can help you become familiar with a variety of words and how they are spelled. Make sure to read books, articles, and other materials that interest you, and pay attention to how words are spelled.

  2. Practice spelling: Set aside time each day to practice spelling. You can use spelling worksheets, spelling games, or online spelling quizzes to help you practice.

  3. Learn the rules: There are many spelling rules in English that can help you spell words correctly. Some examples include "i before e except after c," "silent e," and "double consonants." Learn these rules and apply them when spelling words.

  4. Keep a spelling journal: Write down words that you have trouble spelling in a notebook. Look up the correct spelling, and practice writing the word correctly several times.

  5. Use mnemonics: Mnemonics are memory aids that can help you remember how to spell a word. For example, "dessert" has two s's because you want more of it, while "desert" has one s because you don't want to be stuck there.

  6. Use spell check: If you're writing on a computer, use the spell check feature to catch any spelling errors. However, don't rely on it completely, as it may not catch all errors.

  7. Get feedback: Ask a friend or teacher to review your writing and correct any spelling errors. Take note of the corrections and use them to improve your spelling skills.

  8. Rootwords: Knowing and learning root will not only improve your writing but reading comprehension also. It will help to have better idea to use the word effectively without having tons of errors

Remember that improving your spelling takes practice and persistence. Don't get discouraged if you make mistakes - keep practicing and you'll see improvement over time.

Thank you for reading.

Be Prepared 

Anik Verma 


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