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Public Speaking || Ethos, Pathos and Logos

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos are three modes of persuasion used in rhetoric to appeal to an audience. They are used by writers and speakers to persuade their audience to adopt their viewpoint or take action.

Ethos: Ethos refers to the credibility or trustworthiness of the speaker or writer. It is based on the audience's perception of the speaker's character, expertise, or authority on the topic. Ethos can be established by using evidence, citing sources, and demonstrating knowledge of the subject matter. Example: "As a doctor with over 20 years of experience in treating cancer patients, I can confidently say that early detection is the key to successful treatment."

Pathos: Pathos refers to the use of emotional appeals to persuade the audience. This can be done by using vivid language, storytelling, or evoking strong emotions such as empathy, fear, or anger. The goal is to create an emotional connection with the audience that will motivate them to take action. Example: "Think of the innocent children who will suffer if we don't take action to address climate change. We owe it to them to do everything in our power to protect their future."

Logos: Logos refers to the use of logic, reason, and evidence to persuade the audience. It involves presenting facts, statistics, and logical arguments that support the speaker's viewpoint. The goal is to appeal to the audience's intellect and persuade them with a well-reasoned argument. Example: "Studies have shown that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses. Therefore, it is important to make exercise a regular part of our daily routine."

In conclusion, using ethos, pathos, and logos in your writing or speaking can be an effective way to persuade your audience. By establishing credibility, appealing to emotions, and using logic and evidence, you can create a persuasive argument that will motivate your audience to take action or adopt your viewpoint.

Be Prepared 
Anik Verma


  1. Concise and precise article; really helpful for the reader like me , having a desire to be better in both these areas of connecting people!


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